Trista Harrison | Women's mind & body transformation coach

Building badass bodies with confident minds!

do you genuinely and truly love yourself from the inside out?

Ask yourself...what if?

-Every single day, you woke up leaner, had more energy, and actually LOVED the healthy lifestyle created and built custom for you.

- You ditched that all or nothing mindset once and for all and could eat the foods you love and still see results.

- You had all the tools, knew exactly how to reach your goals, the confidence in yourself and your fitness journey to stay consistent.

-You finally put yourself first in order to create a life you’re obsessed with.


the problem with most women's fitness journey

If you are just getting started in your fitness journey or have already started but are not seeing your desired results, ask yourself if this sounds familiar:

-You go to the gym and eat healthy (all or nothing mentality) for a week, don’t get the immediate results you are looking for and fall off the bandwagon.

-You cut out whole food groups (all the carbs, all the fats, all the sugars, etc.) end up feeling so restricted that you give in and eat everything in sight.

-You think you can do it on your own, piecing together YouTube or Pinterest workouts and cookie cutter meal plans that were not individualized for their unique body and lifestyle.


the solution is the built and balanced method for creating your own "Fit Life"

phase one

Build habits and routines to create a healthy lifestyle you actually love. Breaking through limiting beliefs and negative perceptions around health and fitness.

phase two

Balance your amazing new lifestyle, always taking action and keep moving forward. Becoming the woman, you have always dreamed of with a life you are obsessed with.


who I work with



Motivated women who do not know where to start, or have already started, but are seeing little to no positive results.



Working moms who want a CUSTOM approach to their goals that fits their IDEAL lifestyle, not the other way around.



Stay at home moms who always put themselves last and take care of everyone else first. It is time to fill your cup so you can show up your best self for your family.



Busy women who want to feel loved and confident in their bodies, who are tired of looking for the next best thing.

What you'll get working with FIT LIFE SLC


Fit Life SLC Coaching gives you 1 on 1 tools and support to help you achieve your fitness goals in a way that teaches you to thrive forever. Let me be your last coach. You deserve to live a life free of yo-yo dieting and quick fixes.

-Custom 1 on 1 nutrition coaching and training

-24/7 access to me (Coach Trista) for anything

-Comprehensive weekly check-ins and adjustments

-Nutrition Handbook

-Unlimited form adjustments via client videos

-60 minute 1 on 1 Zoom Strategy Call

-Savvi Fit Full Outfit

-Access to the Fit Life Community group chat

-A lifetime of knowledge to be able to conquer your goals on your own

why this approach works


You’ll have a coach to push you and the support inside the Fit Life Tribe of likeminded women who don’t take NO for an answer, who are on the same mission to create their best life.


A complete breakdown of your training and nutrition program, as well as access to the Fit Life SLC app. You wont just be provided a program; I will provide you with the WHY behind your program.


Information does not equal transformation. I will provide you with strategic methods for continuous progression and to keep crushing your goals.

hear from some of FIT LIFE's success stories

before and after photos

Amy Randall side
Lindsay 9 months pregnant 9 months PP

about trista harrison

Trista Harrison is the founder of Fit Life SLC Coaching. She is a women's transformation coach. Her purpose is to empower women to unveil their inner beauty, to become the woman she has always dreamed of, by living a healthy lifestyle she is obsessed with.

She has been coaching for 13+ years and helped hundreds of women transform their bodies from the inside out. She has been in the Army for 18 years, 8 of which she served as a drill Sergeant training thousands of warriors from all walks of life.  She will bring out the confident warrior in each woman she works with. She is a loving, compassionate coach that is not afraid to show you tough love.

She has experienced her own journey of transformation achieving peace with food, balance in and out of the gym, finding true happiness loving her body even after having her daughter and a busy lifestyle. She was able to break through her own limiting beliefs, disordered eating patterns, and negative body image and is passionate about sharing her methods with you.

She believes who we are on the inside is expressed on the outside through fitness and nutrition. She is passionate about educating women through their own fitness and nutrition journey, to provide them with the tools to love themselves from the inside out.

Trista offers exclusive 1 on 1 transformation coaching with carefully selected women aspiring to breakfree from a mediocre life, who are desperate to find balance and want to feel loved and confident in their body again. 

Building badass bodies with confident minds.


connect with trista